Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How do you begin a blog?

I have always thought it would be a great idea to have a daily journal where I can keep track of my personal journey through life. Whether it be to just document what happened that day or to keep track of my spiritual journey. I have, from time-to-time kept a prayer journal which lists my learnings from my devotions and Bible reading as well as prayer requests and praises. I have also kept a somewhat abbreviated journal on a daily calendar with just highlights of the day.

Now that my life has taken on a new course, which was never in my wildest dreams (maybe nightmare might be a better description), I have wanted to have an outlet to release some of my thoughts, emotions and cries of desperation. I want to be able to be open and honest about the trials I am going through as well as the victories that God has given me. I want to be able to tell the world of my Saviour and His great love for me -- the way He takes care of me, the way He provides for my needs and how he is working in our lives even in the midst of a battle.

I invite you to come along with me as we explore how God is in control of my life, even when it feels like it is out of control.