Friday, May 14, 2010

All My Anxieties on Him are Laid

Finally, after 27 months our day in court will come. Right now I am extremely calm, but I know that as the weekend progresses I will become a huge bundle of nerves -- unable to eat or drink and having random thoughts and questions running through my head. Not knowing if the outcome will be favorable or unfavorable is very unsettling. All I can do is run and hide under the Shadow of His Wings. . . lay all my anxieties on Him.

My life will change no matter what the verdict. I may think for the better or for the worse, but I must rest in the Lord's promise that all things work together for good.


  1. The Lord has sustained you this far, He will not forsake you or your family. We care and will be praying.

  2. I especially think of Joseph in situations like yours. We can't see God's purposes. But we can rest in the fact that HE is in control.

  3. Praying for your family!!

